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Coloring Sheets
Maker Kits
Word Searches
Heads in Books Book Club
Super Readers Book Club
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Curious Kids: Coding
Curious Kids: Ohio
Curious Kids: Pets
Curious Kids: Sports


Did You Know?

Grant Park started out with a 45-acre parcel owned by Richard H. Grant, Sr. Now, its creeks, meadow, forest, prairie, and wetlands have grown to 187 acres, almost four times the original size.

On This Day!

Today is National Grouch Day. Be nice to your Oscar!

Look who got a library card!

New Library Cardholders

Laugh Out Loud Funny!

Joke of the Day

What did the hat say to the hatrack?
You stay here and I'll go on a head.

Try a Mad Lib!

Mad Lib: Friendly Monsters in My Room
Mad Lib: Haunted Houses

More MadLibs!