Activities For Kids!

Coloring Sheets
Maker Kits
Word Searches
Heads in Books Book Club
Super Readers Book Club
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Still curious? Explore more Curious Kids topics!

Curious Kids: Coding
Curious Kids: Ohio
Curious Kids: Pets
Curious Kids: Sports


Did You Know?

There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.

On This Day!

Today is Moldy Cheese Day. Some cheeses are supposed to be moldy. The blue stuff in Bleu Cheese is mold. How gross!

Look who got a library card!

New Library Cardholders

Laugh Out Loud Funny!

Joke of the Day

Why was the football hill so hot?
Because all the fans ran away!

Try a Mad Lib!

Mad Lib: Friendly Monsters in My Room
Mad Lib: Haunted Houses

More MadLibs!