Owlexander's Hoot Route

Join Owlexander and his friends on Owlexander's Hoot Route! Owlexander, the Centerville-Washington Park District mascot, hoots "welcome" to you! He lives in Grant Park and he’s going on a great adventure!
What will he find along the way and whoooo will he meet? Follow the storybook trail and learn about the animals that live in the park while you play games, solve riddles, and more!
This trail is perfect for children ages 3-8 with their adult companions, but is a fun and free activity for the entire family!
View pictures of the Grand Opening!
About the Trail
The nature literature trail is a wheelchair and stroller accessible, crushed gravel/dirt path through the woods. The trailhead to Owlexander's Hoot Route may be found at Grant Park – Normandy Entrance, 501 Normandy Ridge Road, Centerville. Please note that the trail may become saturated with water after heavy rains or significant snow melt.
Learn About the Animals and Birds in Grant Park
Do Some Fun Activities
Print a Coloring Page:

- Butterfly Coloring Page
- Cardinal Coloring Page
- Chipmunk Coloring Page
- Deer Coloring Page
- Duck Coloring Page
- Fox Coloring Page
- Frog Coloring Page
- Hawk Coloring Page
- Owl Coloring Page
- Spider Coloring Page
- Squirrel Coloring Page
- Turtle Coloring Page
- Woodpecker Coloring Page
About the Sponsors
Owlexander's Nature Literature Trails are made possible through a partnership between the Washington-Centerville Public Library and the Centerville-Washington Park District and is fully funded by the Yeck Family Foundation.