Curious Kids: Money Smarts
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Did You Know?
Did you know that Federal Reserve notes are a blend of 25 percent linen and 75 percent cotton? Find other facts about currency here.
Some books below may be eBooks or audiobooks. Ask a librarian or parent for help.
Fiction Books
Nonfiction Books
Fun Activities
Coin Coloring Pages
Click on an image to bring up a coloring sheet!
Coin Memory Match
An easy memory game, with images to match from our coins. Harder levels have more pictures to match.
Money $marts for Kids Activity Book
A fun activity made possible by a grant from the FINRA Investor Education Foundation through Smart investing@your library®, a partnership with the American Library Association.
PBSKids Cyberchase
Help the Cyberchase team with their math and money skills in these games and activities.
Word Quest
A game brought to you by the U.S. Mint. Pick a theme, then pick a level. Can you find them all?
American Girl: Grace Stirs Up Success [DVD]
Can Grace help her grandparents keep their bakery in business?
The Little Rascals Save the Day [DVD]
The Rascals try anything to raise the money needed to save their grandma's bakery. The only trouble is, they just can't seem to do anything right!
School House Rock: Money [DVD]
Learn about earning money from the Schoolhouse Rock team, with music! Includes English subtitles for the hearing-impaired.
Wallace & Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death [DVD]
Inventive Wallace and his creative and wily dog Gromit set out to earn some dough in the baking business, but their plan goes very, very awry when they encounter a wicked and dangerous competitor.
Coin Glossary
If you collect coins, you’ll need to know these words.
Kids' Money for Kids
Learn about the differences between earning, spending, saving, and donating with games and interactive lessons.
Sesame Street in Communities
Watch your favorite Sesame Street characters learn and teach about money while out and about with real-world examples of how money impacts us.
The Seven Denominations
Read about all the details built into U.S. paper money, in all seven denominations ($1, $2, $5, etc.).
The United States Mint Coin Classroom
Lots of videos about coins! The short video “How Coins Are Made…for Kids!” follows quarters through the minting process, from metal rods to shiny coins! Explore even more from the link above.